Two years ago we explained that ASM Web Services was strengthening its mobile division with the incorporation of the production unit of the company V2M Software. After two years of transition, we integrated it definitively and it will be the mobile apps division of ASM Web Services who will provide this service.
This incorporation allowed us to offer a broader and more competitive service to our customers. The portfolio of services was expanded with specializations such as digital business, systems & cloud computing and software engineering.
The company V2M Software, specialized in the development and programming of mobile applications, had worked for years for the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and counted among its clients companies and entities such as Fira de Barcelona, Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona, Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona, Deliberry or Manusa.
More competitive
This integration process allows us to respond with greater capacity and competitiveness to the increasing demand for technological solutions related to mobility. This is a fertile ground for the development of apps to make companies more competitive, increase their sales and offer a better user experience (UX).
In this context, ASM Web Services has spent years developing native iOS and Android mobile applications that work efficiently and save time and money in the long run.